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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Congratulations Kande!

Congratulation Balendran Kandeban for being selected to the Grand Jury Members for New York Festivals International Radio Program Awards for the 5th. consecutive year.

NYF International Radio Program Awards is a World renowned Awards ceremony which is judged online by award winning Directors, Producers, Writers, Reporters, Creative Directors, Program Directors, and various other radio industry experts from across the globe who volunteer their time.

Balendran Kandeban is the Director, Business Development, MBC Radio Networks, The Capital Maharaja Organisation Ltd SRI LANKA.

With over 15 years of experience in Electronic Media Business in Sri Lanka and India, having completed his MBA at Victoria University in Australia, Kandee was the former Director, Sales & Marketing at Sri Lanka’s most powerful news provider – News 1st, Channel Head of Shakthi FM, No.1 Tamil Radio Station in Sri Lanka with an audience that spans the world, and currently the Director, Business Development of MBC Radio Networks, the leading Sri Lankan broadcasting company which owns five national radio stations (Sirasa FM, Shakthi FM, Yes FM, Y FM & Legends). A renowned media personality and the host of Sri Lanka’s version of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ where he has hosted over 250 shows, also hosting a popular Socio-Political Saturday Radio Breakfast Show “The People’s Power”.

In 2015, he was recognized by the Australian Government as one of the “Most inspiring young global leaders of Australia” and was a recipient of “Young Achiever Award” of Victoria University, Australia and 2014 Australian Alumni Excellence Merit Award for Business Administration and Leadership, awarded by the Australian Trade Commission. He is also a visiting lecturer and course advisory board member of Victoria University, Australia.

As we represent the Usan community in Canada we are very proud of you. Once again our heartiest congratulations Kande for your achievement.

United People Association of Usan in Canada.

(Source of information: www.newyorkfestivals.com)